Saturday 24 October 2009

10 of the best things about being a Christian

I frequently (not Always) read about how we as Christians get things wrong and read about all the horrors of the world so I decided to write down ten reasons why I love being a Christian.

1) Jesus Love me. - I know- obvious but I regularly need to remind myself that this is true. I don’t always get thing right but at the end of the day..... I know and it’s an unconditional love.

2) The Body of Christ - being a part of the body is fantastic, here is a place where I can go, here Gods Word, be loved for who I am and can share everything!, put simply its like having 200+ best friends

3) Jesus - is there anyone better who we could have a relationship with.

4) The Bible - What a book- more than a book it’s a way of life, it has everything. I still don’t read the bible enough but as before I have pledged to read it more.

5) Prayer - my intimate and personal time with God - he knows but it's nice to get things off my chest - I don’t believe that I spend enough time in prayer and at time I feel like am coming to Him with a shopping list, when really he knows everything and probably just wants a chat!!

6) My marriage - being in a Christian marriage is fantastic we share far more than an earthly bond (???) we support one another in all things. I love my wife....with out her I Probably would not know the love of Christ.

7) My Children - my relationship with my children is very special - to watch them grow in Christ and see them learn about God is a privilege and I am thankful.

8) The earth: what a wonderful planet we inhabit, I know that not every thing is perfect but our Lord created some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and more that I want to see.

9) Music - As a Christian Musician and a part of my churches worship team can be very difficult at time but is an absolute privilege and an honour, a responsibility I take very seriously. I also have a fantastic collection of Christian music.

10) Family- growing up in my family was never easy but we love each other and from the very first moment one of us became Christian life was never the same!!

This is not an exhaustive list but one for where i am now!!

Please feel free to leave me a comment on your best things about being a Christian!


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