Sunday 17 January 2010

Haiti Earthquake

No-one could have failed to have heard or seen images about the disaster in Haiti, and my heart breaks when I see pictures!!

But when these things happen you will hear a lot "where is God in this?" but this got me thinking, you see I Know where God is and I know that his heart is breaking just like ours!
God is right there in Haiti!! he is in the hearts of the survivors, he is in the hearts of the rescuers,HE IS RIGHT THERE in the midst of the suffering and you wont have to look far to see him.

Look at the picture above and tell me God is not there!

****Final thought: Why does no-one ask "Where is the Devil?" just a thought! ****

Thursday 14 January 2010

Make a difference!

Today my journey to work took alot longer than normal, why? because of a 30 yr old woman on a motorway bridge who wanted to jump. This of course saddened me when I found out as during this period I was getting frustrated stuck in traffic!.

But it got me to thinking about the state of our world.
Whilst many of us are going about our daily lives of to work then off to church and carrying on like normal, there are thousands of people who are struggling just to get through each day who are really in need and don't know where to turn. How bad must things have been to want to jump from a motorway bridge.

Where does the blame lie? the blame has to lie firmly at the feet of the church, God called us to go to ALL men so who do we go to? who have you shared a little of the gospel with today? who's life could you have saved? What sacrifice have you made? personally today I cant remember sharing any thing spiritual with anyone outside my church - I cant remember yesterday or the day before either!

The church (in general!!) spends so much time trying to make sure that they have something for every one, Many churches are even run like a business even though attendances are falling, trying to cover their cracks with pretty decoration's that they are forgetting the real purposes. I do realise that there are many out there who are working for Gods purposes and are doing a fantastic Job, but until the church starts to show Jesus, how many more are going to want to take that jump? How many more are we going to lose.All the while we bicker about doctrine and rule and regulations, concentrating on things other than our mission the world is turning and people are suffering.

I may be naive but I truly believe that if we as Christians spent more time concentrating on the task given and less time looking at our differences finances, steeples, or whatever! then we could really make a difference and less people would fell like they suffer alone.
We can make a difference there is evidence to show........Just look at Jesus. He came to earth with a specific God given Mission and carried it out perfectly and look at the difference he made!!

"As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

Sunday 10 January 2010

Chosen Few?

The problem I have with some religions is that they are limited. Some believe that only a certain number of people will go to heaven, some believe that you can only got to heaven if you have undergone certain rituals.I believe that there was only 1 proviso. To believe that Jesus is Our Lord and Saviour.

The type of people Jesus Chose to follow him were ordinary folk like you and me, none of them had any wealth to speak of. His disciples were Fisher men, tax collectors and a zealot(That we know of) the rest were probably average joe's as well.. warehouse men, street cleaners, Lawyers, Waiters - whatever!! He didn't limit it to the rich or poor to the intellectual or the idiot he didn't say that you had to be confirmed he didn't say that you had to go to confession every week - he never mentioned purgatory, he didn't limit it to 144,000.

He calls us all but there is a price to will cost us our lives, Everything we do needs to be for the purpose of GOD - When I go to work ....go for God, When I do things with my children do it for God...when I am playing in the music group....Play for God!
only when we do it for his purposes, can the Kingdom of God really come on earth!

Luke 9 -57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."

58Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

59He said to another man, "Follow me."
But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."

60Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."

61 Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family."

62Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

Saturday 9 January 2010

Our Snow Week

Friday 8 January 2010

Casting Crowns - Until the Whole World Hears

Lets be honest for a moment.

When I heard that Casting crowns were releasing a Fourth studio Album, I thought oh no its just not going to be as good as the others.
But I am glad to say I was wrong.There are similarities between the albums but what do you expect, Casting crowns do what they do. They just want to sing songs to capture the emotions.
What they have done beautifully is capture all possible stages of a Christian walk.Personally they have song which i can listen to what ever and where ever I am in my walk.

The first track and title track is brilliant and is possibly now my favourite Casting Crowns Track. All the songs are again memorable.

Part way through writing this.........

I brought this record for a brother at church whom I love very much and has been there for me for the last 20 years and has provided advice and support during this time.

The biggest compliment I can pay this record is this. For my Brother.
It has provided him with some much valued spiritual warmth over the last few weeks as his family have gone through some serious pains and continue to do so. He listens to this album daily and it reduces him to tears.

I don't really know what else to say about it, I love it and am glad that my brother has found joy in this record!