Monday 29 November 2010

A risk worth taking!

I realise that I haven't posted in a while to be honest I have been struggling spiritually and a lot of things have happened in the family over the last few weeks!

Last week one of the young guys at work did a little preach on risk taking and it is a subject which has stuck with me ever since. To be honest I don't know why it stuck but somewhere it must have struck a cord.

I have started reading Exodus and I realised that risk are things which we as Christians need to take more of.
Imagine if Moses didn't take the risk....
Moses took a risk when he initially killed the Egyptian, a risk which it turns out was a bit of a failure... but out of that he found a purpose, he found that he was loved by God and the God was going to use him in a very specific way.
Moses took a risk when God told him to return to Egypt, He took a risk going to Pharaoh but ultimately he took the risk that God would show up just like he said he would.
I'm pretty sure that When Moses set off on the journey he at some point had doubts.

for me a risk is anything which may end in embarrassment and makes me vulnerable.. I hate being up in front of people...which is difficult when your in the music Team!!
However the first time i had to lead worship there was just me, 1 singer and the pastor and i had 24 hours notice that i was doing it!! It was a Risk!!!
From that risk God has shown up time and time again but I can still fall back on ME! and its straight back to square 1!
I took a risk returning to God. I was a lapsed Christian when my now wife and I got together, I had been hurt by some stuff relating to old members of the church and was initially not prepared to take the risk of returning. But I took the risk and found a love I had not experienced previously.
It was a risk for me to take my current Job but God has blessed it so much!

Basically every risk I have taken for God has led to something wonderful happening.

I also know that God is calling us to take bigger risks in his name. Unless we take risks the world will not experience the love which God has to give.
They will not understand how Jesus died for them and took their sins away
Its a risk to speak to your neighbour about God, Its a risk to give a little extra to the poor,its a risk to show love by actions, its a risk to speak of an amazing love... you never know how people are going to react. But ultimately its a risk worth taking.