Monday 14 March 2011

More on Worship

I recently wrote a post on worship.

Since then I have been on a bit of a search for the meaning of worship, and I have to be honest and say that I feel like I have only scrapped the surface.

one of the questions I am looking at is:

What does Worship look like to our God?

We can stand and sing great songs with robust chorus's and big verses and heart felt lyrics but unless the heart of the individual singing the lyrics are truly seeking to worship God then they mean nothing to him.
God is looking for hearts of worship and lives that are lived in total worship to him.

Don't get me wrong I love nothing more than singing great songs to the Lord but I have learned that unless I truly mean the words that I sing they are empty and all God can hear is Blah blah blah.
Also when I am leading worship, If I don't mean every word I sing, how can I expect for the congregation whom I am responsible for at that moment - to get the the throne room?

I have to mean it, I have to live like I mean it, there is no pretending to mean it, there is no hiding from God!!

I know this hasn't fully answered my question but this is a Journey!!!

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

Let me know your thoughts on worship!!


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

"Empty hands held high
Such small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my life-song sing
Bring a smile to you."

We have the true worshipper dwelling within us - the Holy Spirit. We cannot find true worship in ourselves, we have to put ourselves aside and agree with the One Who dwells within us. I guess this is what Jesus said that true worshippers worship in Spirit and in truth. If we rouse the flesh to sing and get emotional then we are offering nothing but filthy rags. But if we get in agreement with His Spirit and the truth of the Word (putting to death the fleshly 'feelings') then we our sacrifice of praise will be true worship. We might get emotional, but it'll be real, we might get excited, but it'll be Spiritual joy.

What do you reckon husbando?