Monday 21 February 2011


Lately I have been reading " A Passion for your name" by Tim Hughes. Its all about Worship.
To be quite frank it is possibly the best Christian book i have read to date...well almost!!
At the Same time as i am reading this God has been teaching me about worship.

Now i know worship is a spiritual act but there are physical elements to worship.

If you go through the bible it is full of examples of physical and spiritual act of worship. lying prostrate, arms are raised etc etc etc.

Me however for the last 20 or so years worship with my hand in my pockets or my arms folded or just be hind my back.

That was until a conversation with my wife changed the way I thought.
The conversation went something like this
Me:" i wish we could do away with the chairs some times in church"
Wife " Why?"
Me" Cause i think that i limits us in our worship, whens the last time anyone danced, getting rid of the chairs would encourage them"
Wife "Thats rich coming from you... You just stand there with you arms folded if your not playing guitar!!""
I wish I could get across the venom with which the statement was delivered or the amount it cut to my heart!!
But I have to say she was right and she had a point. I never express my self physically to God EVER!!
This stuck with me for quite some time then at work's prayer day we sang "The Stand" by Hillsong united and that was it for me i had to make a decision there and then.. a line from the chorus goes
"So i'll stand with ARMS HIGH and HEARTS ABANDONED" so basically hit hit me that if I sing this line and dont do it I was lying!! I have never been convicted of anything so strongly before!!
So i did it and the freedom was unreal it added a whole new level to worship for me, I didn't care who I thought was watching i didn't matter it was all about God!

How do you express to God Physically?
What's your favourite worship song right now?

My Favourite Worship song at the moment!!


emerrube said...

my favorite worship song is Philips, Craig and Dean's Revelation Song. :)

bring the rain said...

Hi emerrube.

Thanks for stopping by. Not heard it yet but will look for it!!