Sunday 20 December 2009

Christmas like A Child

"Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ" - Luke 2:11

Christmas day is fast approaching and I have to remind myself of the real reason for the season.
With so much going on around us it can be easy to forget.
You see I wanted to get my children a specific present this year, both love singing and i love to hear them singing...anyway the thing has sold out in ALL the shops except for the really really expensive ones.
So I was a little upset because I couldn't get it.
Then he heard the Third Day song Christmas like a child one of my favourite Christmas songs of all time and it hit me like never before especially the third verse and the end of the song!

Some may say that 25 December is not the day Jesus was born but who cares!!! The 25th December is the we CELEBRATE the Birth of the saviour of the world, the one who came to show us the way, the one who would Die for our sins.
Its not about the presents under the tree, although this is fun! and i love the kids faces, not about the perfect gift or the perfect tree or the perfect meal its about Jesus - His birth, His life and His Death

Christmas Like a Child - By Third Day

I want to feel Christmas, how it used to be
With all of its wonder falling on me
This season has felt so empty, oh for quite a while
I want to feel Christmas like a child

I want to see snowflakes fall to the ground
My brothers and sisters all gathered around
Singing "Away In A Manager" as we sit by the fire
I want to feel Christmas like a child

It's been so long now, I can't say
Just when I lost my way
But I'm going back to how it was
When this day meant everything
And we spent our time remembering
The baby Child born for us

It's all about Jesus, asleep in the straw
This infant, this King, this Savior for all

So I don't need bells to be ringing
'Cause I'll join with angels singing
And I can feel Christmas like a child
I want to feel Christmas like a child.

 Oh... i still haven't got the present!! but they have plenty of others!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey we both quoted from this song today! Love you! xxx