Monday 23 November 2009

Revalation - Third Day

I have been listening to this album for some time now and have been trying to think of what to write, but nothing has come to mind.......... this however is not a bad thing..... because I cannot single out a single song for individual praise.. the whole album is excellent and I cant recommend it highly enough. I would recommend this to everyone especially those new to the Christian faith looking for good music.
There are not many bands either Christian or secular  (for want of a better phrase) who have produced 10 studio albums of a constant  quality for both song writing and music. Like other Third day albums this one makes me feel challenged, blessed and forgiven all in the space of 60mins!!
So once again I whole heartedly recommend this to one and all!!

Monday 16 November 2009

Christian management

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men"
Colossians 3:23

I had this whole big blog planned out and almost ready on this subject, but just never felt comfortable with it, and I think I now know the reason why.
There is no difference between a Christian manager or a Christian labourer to think that because i am a manager that there was a difference was pompous!!

When we go out into the world we all face the same challenges and problems, even those employed in the serving Christ face the same problems.
These problem are nothing compared with the trials Jesus had to face. Jesus went about his job daily knowing that in the end it was going to cost him his life. His actions were questioned, those who followed him questioned his actions,  The authorities of the time where just waiting for him to slip up, he faced trial and tribulation.
Sounds familiar.....well if it does just remember the first part..... Jesus knew he was going to die when his job was finished. So how did Jesus carry on.
I think ( and i may be wrong!) that Jesus was in constant contact with his Father and that he would never do or say anything which would not honour him.
So if we approach our daily tasks in them same manner or even close to the same manner, everything we do will be ok!, it will bring glory to the father - as long as we don't take the credit, and we give thanks!

"Commit your work to the LORD, and then your plans will succeed"
Proverbs 16:3

Sunday 1 November 2009


****NOTE - These are MY personal views and No offence is intended!!****

Recently I have read a lot of post's relating to the celebration of Halloween. Some totally dismissing the event others suggesting alternatives.
The question I have had to ask myself when reading these posts is "Would Jesus associate himself with the celebrating of Halloween?" in its current form I would have to say No there is no way that he would do that, I don’t even believe that he would celebrate an alternative.
Halloween celebrations are a personal choice and it does give Christians a chance to share their faith with people who they would not normally associate with, however how many of those who you have shared your faith with on this night have come to believe?
The other issue I have with Halloween is that for 364 days of the year we tell our children not to talk to strangers yet on one day per year we encourage them to knock on the doors of strangers or the doors who we share only a casual good morning too but don’t really know. To me it seems just a little daft....

Once again i think that this is totally a personal choice and would never condem anyone for chosing to celebrate Halloween.