Saturday 6 March 2010

Tithing, Facebook and Sacrifice

It dawned on me just today (as i was sat playing games on facebook!), God asks for 10 % of ALL we have. This isnt just a financial request but MUST include time.
That equates to 2 hours 24 min's per day its not really a huge amount.
then I thought were will Get this time from....

As I sat on facebook I thought..... I wonder how much time I spend on facebook per day. Not over 2 hours usually( although it has been known) but that SHOULD be God time. Time dedicated to my ministry or time dedicated to a bit of bible reading or time spent with God in prayer or in his presence.

Now I am certainly not anti facebook quite the opposite! but i should not be spending more time on facebook or twitter or Myspace than I spend with God

Right now I cant honestly say God is asking me to give up facebook but I am asking myself would I be willing to if He asked me. What else would I be willing to give up if asked?

2.5 hours is nothing really, we could all find this time if we look.

Hebrews 10:14

because by one sacrifice HE has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.