Tuesday 2 February 2010

WE or I…does it really matter??

Over the last 2 years God has been telling us to sing we not I on songs. This was to focus us on the body and not on the individual…However this has been a source of much consternation among some of those with in the church….

Personally I felt that if we all sang I what did it matter we would be one by all singing I. Over time it has become an annoyance because half the church sings I half sing WE our music leader sings I and WE, but the words on the screen probably say we.

What I have come to learn is that it is not the I or the We that matters it’s about doing what God wants. If God says go Left we go left if he says go right we turn right.

Can you imagine if Noah didn’t do what God Said or what about Moses, what about Paul…eventually!!? How about Jesus what if he didn’t do what God said? It doesn’t bear thinking about does it. But look what happens when you do as God Says.

I am sure that each of us has a great story to tell of an instance when we have done as God said. The results are usually amazing and spectacular, Miracles happen and life takes on new meaning.